Dear reader, Welcome to the English-language section of This platform was launched by Margot and Willy Wahl in order to form a counterweight against media manipulation, the destruction of values, disorientation, youth violence and, above all, the rampant war madness – it is our purpuse to strengthen the social interest. For many years we have been publishing German articles here. In our view, the time has come now to to contribute to understanding across language barriers with the English-language articles. As we do not have the capacity to translate all of the old articles, you find selected older and more recent articles translated into English in the English-language section of our website. Through the menu you can also find the German articles which have not yet been translated. We would be very pleased to be able to offer more translated articles and possibly other languages in the future. If you would like to support us in this, both donations and voluntary work are very welcome.
Lehrplan 21/PISA
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